Advanced Study Group: Entanglement and Dynamics in Quantum Matter



Yong-Baek Kim (University of Toronto, Canada)


Eun-Gook Moon (KAIST, Korea)

Sungbin Lee (KAIST , Korea)

Gil Young Cho (POSTECH , Korea)

Moon Jip Park (PCS IBS)

Dung Nguyen (PCS IBS)

Kyoung-Min Kim (PCS IBS)

Jaeho Han (PCS IBS)

Sonu Verma (PCS IBS)


Entanglement and non-equilibrium dynamics are two emerging themes in condensed matter physics. Recent drastic evolution in the knowledge in these fields demands comprehensive research activities of experts from different subjects and methods. The goal of ASG is to gather experts in the field and study the various aspects of quantum materials. In a series of ASG activities, we can develop constructive collaboration through intensive discussions. Especially, by gathering early-career scientists in the field, we plan to promote active discussion and an energetic atmosphere in the ASG.

The Advanced Study Group on “Entanglement and Dynamics in Quantum Matter” at the IBS Center for Physics of Complex Systems, starting from September, 2022, is looking for several postdoctoral fellows. The postdoctoral fellows will benefit from the active collaborative environment at the PCS as well as from the opportunity to develop their own independent research topics.
