Advanced Study Group: Tensor Network Approaches to Many-Body Systems
Advanced Study Group: Tensor Network Approaches to Many-Body Systems
Hyun-Yong Lee (Korea University Sejong, Korea)
Seung-Sup Lee (SNU, Korea)
Hee Chul Park (Pukyong National University, Korea)
Naoki Kawashima (U-Tokyo, Japan)
Ying-Jer Kao (National Taiwan University, China)
Synge Todo (U-Tokyo, Japan)
Kenji Harada (Kyoto University, Japan)
Takafumi Suzuki (U-Hyogo, Japan)
Satoshi Morita (Keio University, Japan)
Tsuyoshi Okubo (U-Tokyo, Japan)
Ryui Kaneko (Waseda University, Japan)
Chia-Min Chung (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)
Dong-Hee Kim (GIST, Korea)
Hyeong Jun Lee (KAIST, Korea)
Hong-Hao Tu (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
Jheng-Wei Li (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany)
ShengHsuan Lin (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
Wei-Lin Tu (Keio University, Japan)
Yun-Tak Oh (Korea University, Korea)
During the last decade, tensor network (TN) based approaches have been playing a central role in modern quantum sciences, including condensed matter physics, statistical mechanics, and quantum information. In these approaches, extensive high-dimensional arrays are factorized into the networks of smaller ones, which enables us to simulate large quantum systems on classical computers efficiently. Those networks of smaller tensors are found to successfully represent exotic phases of matter, such as fractional quantum Hall states, quantum spin liquids, and unconventional superconductors. One of the exotic mechanisms to suppress the kinematics of particles is to impose the conservation of the dipole moment of the system in addition to the total particle number. It has been also realized that such dipole physics is closely related to the higher-rank gauge theory. Exploiting the presence of symmetries and gauge redundancies of the system in TN algorithms have been exhaustively demonstrated in previous studies. On the other hand, how the 1 conservation of the multipole moment and higher-rank gauge symmetries are encoded in TN is not only a theoretically interesting question but also highly desirable for reducing the complexity of practical simulations that we aim to explore in this ASG. The non-equilibrium dynamics of strongly interacting many-body quantum systems have become one of the most active research areas in condensed matter physics. It has been found that many-body systems can display rich phenomena far from thermal equilibrium, and many of them exhibit characteristic behavior of entanglement. In this regard, TN has recently emerged as a powerful tool to investigate the non-equilibrium behavior of classical and quantum systems. Therefore, the aim of this Advanced Study Group is to provide the chance to discuss state-of-the-art algorithms, challenging applications for non-hermitian systems, optimization methods for finding ground states and thermal states at finite temperature, and systems far away from equilibrium.