Intercontinental Binodal Workshop on Flat Bands and high-order Van Hove singularities


Dates: May 27 - June 7, 2024

Location: Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (Dresden, Germany)

Location: IBS Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems (Daejeon, Korea)

Scientific Coordinators (Dresden node): Claudio Chamon, Laura Classen, Joseph Betouras

Scientific Coordinators (Daejeon node): Bohm-Jung Yang, Sergej Flach

Contact Info: Gileun Lee (IBS PCS /


Band engineering effectively increasing interaction effects holds the promise for a better understanding and eventual control over quantum many-body states of matter. This can be achieved in va- rious ways, e.g., by globally reducing the bandwidth, by locally inducing high-order Van Hove points, or by designing lattice geo- metries which yield flat bands.

The event will be held in a novel format, with participants atten- ding from two nodes, one in Europe (Dresden, Germany) and one in Asia (Daejeon, Korea). Part of the program will run in hyb- rid mode such that the talks can be attended from both nodes at the same time.

Topics include:

  1. Van-Hove-like singularities

  2. Lifshitz transition

  3. Flat bands

  4. Symmetry and Topology

  5. Quantum geometry

  6. Fractional Chern insulators

  7. Fractional topological insulators

  8. Strongly correlated materials

  9. Cuprates

  10. Ruthenates

  11. Vanadates

  12. Moiré materials

  13. Graphene

  14. Electronic instabilities

  15. Many-body physics

Dresden node:
