International Workshop Searching for Galactic Axions and Superconducting Devices with Quantum Efficiency
International Workshop Searching for Galactic Axions and Superconducting Devices with Quantum Efficiency
Dates: October 25 - 29, 2021
Location: PCS Video Conference (further details:
Scientific coordinators: Mikhail Lisitskiy (SPIN CNR, Italy)
Mikhail Fistul (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany)
Yannis Semertzidis (CAPP IBS)
Organizers: Gileun Lee (IBS PCS)
Jaehee Kwon (IBS PCS)
Two extremely challenging scientific problems have fascinated scientists for the last two decades: the mystery of dark matter, in particular, the detection of Axions in our Universe, and the development of large quantum (qubits) networks allowing to establish the quantum information technology on the macroscopic level and to measure weak electromagnetic signals with unprecedented precision. To observe the dark matter Axions in the Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) one has to be able to detect single microwave photons with high efficiency. The quantum networks of interacting superconducting qubits showing coherent quantum dynamics on macroscopic scale, provide a feasible, though still extremely challenging, approach towards developing a microwave single photon detector.
Topics include:
• Physics of Dark Matter Axions
• Axion-Dark Matter Experiment
• Josephson junctions amplifiers
• Non-classical states of photons
• Superconducting quantum networks
• Quantum sensing with superconducting qubits
• Quantum sensing: magnetic clusters, ion trapping