ICTP Asian Network on Condensed Matter, Complex Systems and Statistical Physics 2023-2026
ICTP Asian Network on Condensed Matter, Complex Systems and Statistical Physics 2023-2026
Driven - dissipative dynamics of ultracold atoms trapped in an array of harmonic potentials
Roland Cristopher F. Caballar
Physics Letters A 533, 130220 (2025)
Enhancing Thermoelectric Efficiency in Twisted Bilayer PdSe2
Jariyanee Prasongkit, Sirichok Jungthawan, and Cristine D. Villagonzalo
ACS Appl. Energy Mater. (2024)
Charge Kondo circuit as a detector for electron-electron interactions in a Luttinger liquid
T. K. T. Nguyen, A. V. Parafilo, H. Q. Nguyen, and M. N. Kiselev
Phys. Rev. B Letters 107, L201402 (2023)
Thermopower of a Luttinger-liquid-based two-channel charge Kondo circuit: nonperturbative solution
A. V. Parafilo, T. K. T. Nguyen
Communications in Physics 33, 1 (2023)
Thermoelectrics of a two-channel charge Kondo circuit: Role of electron-electron interactions in a quantum point contact
A. V. Parafilo, T. K. T. Nguyen, and M. N. Kiselev
Phys. Rev. B Letters 105, L121405 (2022)
Effect of Sn-Doping on Behavior of Li-Intercalation in V2O5 Cathode Materials of Li-Ion Batteries: A Computational Perspective
Suwit Suthirakun, Sirichok Jungthaw, and Sukit Limpijumnong