ICTP Asian Network on Condensed Matter, Complex Systems and Statistical Physics 2023-2026


• The ICTP supports Scientist Exchange visits between the Network Nodes for purposes of research collaboration

• Eligible scientists, early career researchers and graduate students are listed in the Network Participants web page

• Visits are usually for a period of 10 days to 3 weeks and can include more than one Node of the Network

• Calls for expressions of interest (EoI) and applications will be issued in 6 monthly intervals

• Applications should contain information on (i) an itinerary and dates of travel, (ii) names of any hosts/collaborators, (iii) a budget with a breakdown of costs and (iv) a description of the research project

• Funds support travel (airfare/train/bus) and accommodation costs but not health or travel insurance or incidental costs such as taxis

• Receipts are required to document all allowed costs for reimbursement

• Recipients should seek some support from their home/host Institutions

• A detailed report on the activity is required promptly after completion of the travel

Scientific exchange between the Nodes:

- Jariyanee Prasongkit (NPU, Thailand) at UDP, Philippines (May 22 - Jun 2, 2023)

  1. - Andy Octavian Latief (ITB , Indonesia) at PCS IBS (Nov. 30 - Dec. 8, 2023)

ICTP Asian Network 