(previously Innopolis Guest House)
Doryong-dong 4-27, Yuseong-gu
Tel: +82-42-865-2500
Directions: within Daejeon
Daejeon Government Complex bus stop to I-HOTEL
For traveling within Daejeon, taxis are the simplest option (no English services at the public transport). Please print these directions for I-Hotel to show them to the taxi driver.
The public transportation fare is usually 1,400 KRW (1,250 KRW with T-money card), on the bus to be paid directly to the driver (coins and 1,000 KRW bills), whereas metro tickets (shaped like a plastic coin) can be purchased at the stations. The buses serviced by a given stop are listed on blue sign board and (optionally) LED displays. For more information about T-money card (transportation card), please refer to: http://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/TR/TR_EN_5_4.jsp
1-1. By taxi
Cost ca. 5,000 KRW, 10 min ride.
1-2. By bus
No. 618: Take the bus No. 618 at 둔산경찰서 (Dunsan Police Station) stop, get off at 대전컨벤션센터 (Daejeon Convention Centre) stop (2 min walk from I-HOTEL) – cf. the street view below.
No. 705: Take the bus No. 705 at 둔산경찰서 (Dunsan Police Station) stop, get off at MBC/TJB 방송국 (MBC/TJB Broadcasting Centre) stop (4 min walk from I-HOTEL) – cf. the street view below.
Bus stop: Dunsan Police Station (둔산경찰서)
Bus stop: Daejeon Convention Centre (대전컨벤션센터)
Bus stop: MBC/TJB Broadcasting Centre (MBC/TJB 방송국)
Daejeon Station to I-HOTEL
2-1. By taxi
Cost ca. 10,000 KRW, 25 min ride.
2-2. By bus
Crossing the Daejeon station plaza, the bus stops are located down the road from Exit 3 of the subway station – cf. the street view below.
Take the bus No. 705 at 대전역 (Daejeon Station) stop, get off at MBC/TJB 방송국 (MBC/TJB Broadcasting Centre) stop (4 min walk from I-Hotel) – cf. the street view below.
Bus stop: Daejeon station (대전역)
Bus stop: MBC/TJB Broadcasting Centre (MBC/TJB 방송국)
I-HOTEL to the PCS
3-1. By walking
I-HOTEL is just 1 km away from the PCS, amounting to a 15 min walk – cf. the map above.
3-2. By taxi
Cost ca. 3,500 KRW, 5 min ride. Please print these directions for the PCS to show them to the taxi driver. There is a taxi stand next to the Lotte City Hotel.
Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems (PCS)

PCS is located at the 3rd floor of the Theory Building (이론동).

From I-HOTEL to ICN airport
1. By airport bus
Buses operate frequently from 3:29 to 19:25, the journey takes ca. 3 – 3.5 hours and costs 22,100 KRW ~ 26,500 KRW.
Tickets can be purchased at the bus stop’s ticket counter (4:00 - 21:00, only cash and Korean credit cards accepted).
Reservations ahead of time are highly recommended, especially for Fridays and Saturdays.
The nearest stop is Daejeon Government Complex, and can be reached by
① Taxi: cost ca. 5,000 KRW, 10 min ride. Please print these directions for Government Complex bus stop to show them to the taxi driver.
② Bus No. 705: Take the bus no. 705 at 대전 컨벤션 센터 (Daejeon Convention Center) stop, get off at 선사유적지 (Prehistoric Site) – cf. the map below.
2. By train
2-1. via Seoul Station
KTX trains to Seoul Station operate frequently from 5:55 to 23:56. Reservations ahead of time are recommended for early morning and late evening trains. Incheon airport can be reached from Seoul Station also with AREX All Stop Train and AREX Express Train. Tickets can be purchased at AREX train platform.
KTX reservation is available at: http://www.letskorail.com/ebizbf/EbizBfTicketSearch.do
Please print these directions for Daejeon Station to show them to the taxi driver.
2-2. Via Gwangmyeong Station
KTX trains to ICN (transfer to shuttle bus at Gwangmyeong Station) operate frequently from 5.55 am to 7.18 pm.
KTX reservation is available at: http://www.letskorail.com/ebizbf/EbizBfTicketSearch.do
City Airport Terminal: for the details please refer to http://www.letskorail.com/docs/foreign/en/city_airport_terminal_guidebook.pdf
Please note that you should present the printed ticket on the train.

Daejeon Station Ticket counters at Daejeon Station Ticket counters at Seoul Station

Seoul Station Entrance to AREX train platform AREX All Stop Train ticket vending