many-body localization in disordered 1d hubbard model
with infinite onsite repulsion
Boris Altshuler
Columbia University, USA
27 October 2022 Thu 4 pm
IBS Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems (PCS), Administrative Office (B349), Theory Wing, 3rd floor
Expo-ro 55, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea, 34126 Tel: +82-42-878-8633
The one-dimensional Hubbard model for two-component fermions with infinitely strong on-site repulsion (t-0 model) admits a factorization of charge and spin degrees of freedom, and this allows one to eliminate the spin degrees of freedom for both open and periodic boundary conditions. Our analytical treatment of the effects of disorder demonstrates that the type of the disorder drastically changes the nature of the emerging phases. The case of spin-independent disorder can be treated as a single-particle problem with Anderson localization. On the contrary, spin-dependent disorder, which can be realized as a random magnetic field, leads to the many-body delocalization. Our results provide an extended physical picture of recent numerical findings.