International Workshop Exciton-Polaritons in Semiconductor Microstructures and Quantum Optics


Dates: April 28 - May 2, 2025

Location: IBS Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Daejeon, South Korea

Scientific coordinators: Sergei V. Koniakhin (Korea)

                                     Anton V. Nalitov (Russia)

                                     Michael D. Fraser (Japan)


Organizers: Gileun Lee (IBS, Korea)


Quantum optics has revolutionized our lives and continues to drive advancements in fundamental science and emerging technologies, enabling novel approaches to information processing and light-matter interactions. Light provides us with high-speed internet via data transmission over long distances and cuts iron while manufacturing. Quantum optics plays a key role in developing secure communication channels and next-generation computing systems capable of demonstrating quantum computational advantage. An inalienable topic in modern condensed matter physics and quantum optics is polaritonics. Exciton-polaritons are half-light and half- matter bosonic quasiparticles formed due to the strong coupling of high- quality factor cavity photons and excitons in embedded semiconducting quantum wells, or two-dimensional or organic semiconductors. The exciton- polariton platform allowed experimental observation of Bose-Einstein condensation and superfluidity, visualization of topological states in artificial optical lattices, and implementation of flat-band systems. It also offered a novel approach to information processing, including all-optical gates and qubits, functioning up to room temperatures. The Exciton-Polariton and Quantum Optics Workshop in Daejeon will gather experts in the field to present their recent advances and discuss new ideas.

Topics include:

  1. Bose-Einstein condensation

  2. Artificial optical lattices

  3. Quantized vortices and solitons

  4. Gross-Pitaevskii and complex Ginzburg-Landau equations

  5. Quantum information processing

  6. Optical circuits

  7. Topological polaritonics
