Application Form


[Searching for Galactic Axions and Superconducting Devices with Quantum Efficiency]

Virtual International Workshop @PCS IBS

Scientific Coordinators:  Mikhail Lisitskiy (Italy), Mikhail Fistul (Germany), Yannis Semertzidis (Korea)

Location: PCS Video Conference

Date: October 25 - 29, 2021

This workshop will be held online.

* Required Entry 

Name (as stated in the passport)

Surname:                                                                        Forename: 

Nationality *

Title *

E-mail address *

Affiliation * (including country)

    I am also affiliated with the Institute for Basic Science (IBS, Korea)

Position *

Highest academical degree *

Type:                                     Date received:


Dates of attendance

Start date * (DD/MM/YYYY)              End date * (DD/MM/YYYY)


   Please check this box if you plan to attend the whole workshop.

Would you like to contribute a poster? * ( No choice interpreted as “None” )

        Poster     Title: 

          *  will be held via online platform.


Other Comments

Please submit this form online by October 2, 2021.