Talks and Colloquia
December 19 Thursday 4 pm
Agung Budiyono, National Agency for Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia
December 12 Thursday 3:30 pm
Valeria Sheina, Center for Quantum Nanoscience, IBS, Korea
Spin dynamics of coupled Ti spins on ultra-thin MgO layers probed by ESR-STM
December 10 Tuesday 4 pm
Sergej Moroz, Karlstad University, Sweden
The Ising dual-reflection interface: Z4 symmetry, Majorana strong zero modes and SPT phases
IBS Physics Colloquium @ Daejeon
December 3 Tuesday 3:50 pm
Masaki Oshikawa, University of Tokyo, Japan
Symmetry-Protected Topological phases and Duality
Location: IBS Science Culture Center
November 28 Thursday 4 pm
Gyuyoung Park, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Korea
Chaos Computing Using Spintronics
November 27 Wednesday 11 am
Yeongjun Kim, PCS IBS (PhD thesis Defense)
Localization in Flatbands: Disorder and Impurities
IBS Physics Colloquium @ Daejeon
October 30 Wednesday 4 pm
Michael S. Smith, Stellar Science Solutions LLC, USA
The Leverage of Nuclei in the Cosmos
Location: IBS CTPU seminar room (B438)
October 29 Tuesday 4 pm
Leonid Gorelik, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Nanomechanical two-dimensional cat states generated by a dc voltage-driven Cooper pair box
October 24 Thursday 4 pm
Boris Altshuler, Columbia University, USA
Are we on the way to the room temperature superconductivity?
IBS Physics Colloquium @ Daejeon
October 22 Tuesday 4 pm
Masayasu Harada, Nagoya University, Japan
A study of neutron star property based on the PDM-NJL crossover model
Location: IBS CTPU seminar room (B438)
October 17 Thursday 4 pm
Clive Cenxin Aw, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Irreversibility & Inference: Classical & Quantum Reverse Processes via Bayesian Inversion
October 15 Tuesday 4 pm
Sunghun Park, PCS IBS
September 24 Tuesday 5 pm
Joe Schindler, University Autonoma of Barcelona, Spain
Unification of observational entropy with maximum entropy principles
IBS Physics Colloquium @ Daejeon
September 3 Wednesday 3 pm
Hee-Jong Seo, Ohio University, USA
Probing dark energy and inflation using DESI
August 29 Thursday 11 am
Joe Charles Huxford, Toronto University, Canada
August 22 Thursday 5 pm
Thorsten Wahl, University of Cambridge, UK
Exact projected entangled pair ground states with topological Euler invariant
August 21 Wednesday 4 pm
Heung-Sik Kim, Kangwon National University, Korea
August 13 Tuesday 4 pm
Hai Son Nguyen, Lyon Institute of Nanotechnology, France
Engineering on-demand band structures and non-Hermitian state of light in photonic crystal
June 27 Thursday 5 pm
Masayuki Kimura, Setsunan University, Japan
Experimental works on localized vibrations in nonlinear lattices
June 25 Tuesday 4 pm
Hyeongseop Kim, PCS IBS
Josephson current signatures of Majorana Fermions in Topological insulator Josephson junction
June 18 Tuesday 4 pm
Roland Cristopher F. Caballar, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
Driven - dissipative dynamics of trapped ultracold atom systems interacting with background BECs
June 11 Tuesday 4 pm
Martina Hentschel, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany
Dirac fermion optics and electron dynamics in anisotropic bilayer graphene billiards
May 16 Thursday 4 pm
Victor Kagalovsky, Shamoon College of Engineering, Israel
Quantum Scaling for the Metal-Insulator Transition in a Two-Dimensional Electron System
May 7 Tuesday 4 pm
Robert Shekhter, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Josephson tunneling controlled by spin-orbit interaction
May 2 Thursday 4 pm
Jing-Yuan Chen, Tsinghua University, China
Finding the Missed Topological Operators in Lattice Models
April 30 Tuesday 4 pm
Jing-Yuan Chen, Tsinghua University, China
Phenomenology of Unexpected Thermal (Hall) Transports
April 23 Tuesday 4 pm
Juan Francisco Rodriguez Archilla, University of Sevilla, Spain
Nonlinear Energy and Charge Transport in Silicates. Experiments and semiclassical models.
April 18 Thursday 4 pm
Zulkaida Akbar, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia
Unraveling Opinion Dynamics: Insights from Network Science and the Ising Model
April 16 Tuesday 4 pm
Debashree Chowdhury, Centre for Nanotechnology, India
Thermoelectric transport driven by Spin-orbit coupling
April 11 Thursday 4 pm
Eddwi Hesky Hasdeo, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Effects of electron wave function in optoelectronics and transport
April 4 Thursday 4 pm
Xiaoquan Yu, Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics, China
Absence of breakdown of ferrodark solitons exhibiting snake instability
March 21 Thursday 4 pm
Maxim Gorlach, ITMO University, Russia
Topological phases and optimal control in the arrays of superconducting qubits
February 22 Thursday 4 pm
Lara Koehler, MPIPKS, Germany
From waves to chaotic flows in the cytoplasm
February 8 Thursday 4 pm
Rose Davies, Aston University, UK
Coulomb blockade in a non-thermalised quantum dot
January 30 Tuesday 4 pm
Bumseop Kim, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea
January 25 Thursday 4 pm
Rose Davies, Aston University, UK
Resonant fractional conductance in 1D Wigner chains
January 4 Thursday 4 pm
Glenn Wagner, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Correlated order at the tipping point in the kagome metal CsV3Sb5
IBS Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems (PCS), Administrative Office (B349), Theory Wing, 3rd floor
Expo-ro 55, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, South Korea, 34126 Tel: +82-42-878-8633